How To Discover A Profitable Affiliate Marketing Niche (FAST!)


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How do you discover a profitable affiliate marketing niche? 

That’s exactly what you’ll learn in this guide…

Because if you get your niche wrong, then you’re doomed to failure. 


Because you’ll waste your valuable time and money pumping resources into a site that’ll never be profitable.

So this tutorial will a blueprint for finding profitable affiliate marketing niches.

Profitable Affiliate Marketing Niche

Want the video guide? Check it out below…

Find Affiliate Sites That Are Already Profitable

First of all, it’s time to reverse engineer what’s already working in affiliate marketing.

So head on over to a website like Flippa

This a marketplace where websites are bought and sold. 

What you can do is:

  • Reverse engineer successful website ideas
  • See which ones are being sold for high prices
  • Pick the profitable niche ideas that inspire you

Flippa’s the perfect place to do that – see screenshot below.

Research which websites are being sold will give you plenty of niche ideas. 

Research The Niche

Now you don’t want to be scouring the web, hoping that a magical niche idea just pops into your head. 

Instead, Flippa gives you the data on:

  • How much the website was sold for
  • How long it was on auction
  • The website’s name

This gives you the data you need to confirm whether it’s a good niche.

But what’s the next step?

Type all the niche ideas you’ve found into a spreadsheet.

Now head over to Google and find small niche affiliate marketing websites.

Ideally find the ones that are already succeeding on Google. 

Look for small websites that are focused on affiliate marketing:

And find sites already monetizing their content. 

How can you do this?

Use a tool like Ahrefs – it’ll show you how much traffic each website is getting. 

Ahref’s toolbar breaks down the authority of each site.

Just type in some related keywords to your niche on Google, then check the DR:

  • If you ONLY see websites ranking on Google with a DR of 30 or more, avoid this niche – it’ll be too hard for your new site to compete
  • If you see lots of small sites ranking – DR30 or less, than it has potential!

Avoid affiliate marketing niches with lots of competition on Google.

You don’t want to be a small fish swimming in a fishbowl of sharks!

If no small niche websites are succeeding already on Google, it’s a huge red flag

Instead, look for an alternative niche where it’s easier to rank.

Determine How To Monetize Your Site

Next up, look at how you can monetize your website:

  • Find the best affiliate marketing deals in your niche
  • Check out competitors and see how they’re monetizing their site
  • Look at affiliate deals – and their conversion rates

It could be Clickbank, Amazon, or other sources of affiliate commission.

Ask yourself:

There’s no point going into a niche where the affiliate deals are weak.

Do your research a few months before you start making money off that site.

It’s always better to plan this upfront!

Researching Seasonality

Next up, check out the seasonality of the niche. 

Is the search volume consistent all year round?

If there’s peaks and troughs in your niche, you might want to avoid it.


Because this can be a big problem.

For example, let’s take a niche like gardening:

If you type in a few different search terms around landscaping on Google Trends, you’ll see this:

So 6 months of the year, this niche isn’t very profitable.

That’s a red flag:

Because ideally you want a predictable, reliable source of traffic.

(Rather than a feast or famine situation where you don’t make sales half the year.)

Always look into seasonality before you decide on the niche.

Nail this before you jump in.

Pick A Niche You’re Passionate About

Always ask yourself whether you’re genuinely interested in the niche. 

With affiliate marketing, consistency is key. 

If you just invested into a niche that you have no passion for, then you’ll give up quickly.

So find a niche you’re genuinely interested in.

Especially if you’re going to be creating the website’s content yourself:

This will make a BIG difference. 

If you’re writing the content yourself, you need to be interested in the topic.

To Sum it All Up

These are all practical steps you can follow to find a profitable affiliate marketing niche. 

The research is 100% worth it.

Follow the steps above and you’ll save yourself months, if not years, of frustration!

Picture of Julian Goldie

Julian Goldie

Hey, I'm Julian Goldie! I'm an SEO link builder and founder of Goldie Agency. My mission is to help website owners like you grow your business with SEO!


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